Our training for staff and volunteers working with people at risk of or experiencing homelessness leverages the knowledge and expertise of local programs and organizations, as well as external facilitators.

Our training is ideal for those who work with singles, youth, women, families and Indigenous Peoples who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness, such as:

  • front-line staff;
  • team leads;
  • program managers; and
  • senior managers.

Some of the training offered will be prioritized for programs funded by Calgary Homeless Foundation, as they are considered core training requirements for Case Management Standards.

Training is free of charge thanks to the support of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy.

Free Community Training Resources
TopicTrainings Offered ByTraining OfferedWeb Links or Contact Info
Mental Health and AddictionsAlberta Addiction ServicesAlberta Addiction Service Providershttp://albertaaddictionserviceproviders.org/training.php
Alberta Family WellnessBrain Storyhttps://www.albertafamilywellness.org/training
CMHA - Recovery CollegeMental Health Supportshttps://recoverycollegecalgary.ca/courses/
Mental Health Commission of CanadaThe Working Mindhttps://theworkingmind.ca/working-mind
Mental Health First Aid CanadaMental Health First Aidhttps://www.mhfa.ca/en/course-types
Psychosocial Disaster Network:
A Virtual Hub for Psychosocial Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
Online training and workshopsIf you would like to organize a private workshop for your group/community, please email: HPDIP.MH.EarlyID@ahs.ca
Canadian Public Health Association & Centre for SexualityExploring sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) and stigma: An introductory course for health and social service providers https://learning.cpha.ca/course/index.php?categoryid=8
Recovery Coaches AlbertaRecovery Coachhttps://www.recovery-coaches.ca
Indigenous Cultural AwarenessIndigenous CanadaIndigenous Awarenesshttps://www.coursera.org/learn/indigenous-canada
Organizational CapacityCAEH – “Built for Zero Canada”Case Conferencing Tool Bankhttps://www.joinbuiltforzero.org/resources/case-conferencing-tool-bank/
Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI)Free Resources: Webinars, Stress Reduction Exercises, and Printable Handoutshttps://ca.ctrinstitute.com/free-covid-19-resources/
Person-centred ApproachesMomentumMoney managementhttps://courses.momentum.org/
YW Calgary
Women’s Economic Prosperity (WEP) Initiative
Financial Empowerment
Money Matters
Enviros Wilderness School AssociationFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) 101Contact Holly Jopling at 403-829-8060 or hjopling@enviros.org
Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network (CFAN)CFAN offers workshops to
help you understand FASD
better. Learn about
prevention, support for
individuals with FASD, and
the cause and effects of FASD
If you would like to organize a private workshop for your staff/agency, please go to:
First Aid and Physical HealthSafeLinkAlbertaOnline training and workshopsIf you would like to organize a private workshop for your staff/agency, please go to:
https://safelinkalberta.ca/trainingresources/ to find a list of all available trainings.
More Free TrainingsHomelessness Learning HubOnline Resources and self-directed trainings https://homelessnesslearninghub.ca/