HMIS Training

Goal: Acquire skills to enter data consistently and accurately in HMIS ServicePoint

Intended Audience: Agency/Program Staff who require access to HMIS ServicePoint

*Staff moving between agencies do not need to reattend HMIS Basic Training

**This training is not intended for Housing Strategists. If you require training in NSQs, please register for Housing Strategist Training

Attention Students: You may be required to attend this training again once hired by an agency

Prerequisites: Online FOIP Training (provided by the Government of Alberta)


Housing Strategist Training

Goal: Acquire skills to work within the Coordinated Access & Assessment (CAA) continuum, and complete/enter the Needs and Services Questionnaire (NSQ) in HMIS ServicePoint

Intended Audience: Agency/Program staff, who within the scope of their role and as set by their agency, are required to work within the CAA continuum

Prerequisites: Online FOIP Training (provided by the Government of Alberta)